Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Law Abiding Citizen

Shutter Island

There's not much I can say about this movie (because I don't want to give anything away) other than the fact that its brillant. It's not scary, you might tense up, but I DON'T do scary, I hate them and I can't even watch CSI or Law and Order, and this isn't scary, its just suspensful, so know that part because I didnt want to watch it for the longest time because I thought it was scary. the acting is brillant, the directing, of course, is brillant. Its nothing that your expecting from start to finish. definitley watch it.
The Joneses

Grown Ups

"Comedy superstars Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Rob Schneider, David Spade and Kevin James team up for a story of five childhood pals who reunite after 30 years to mourn the loss of their old basketball coach. Gathering at a July 4th celebration where their families meet for the first time, the friends find themselves acting a bit inappropriate for their age. Director Dennis Dugan pairs with frequent collaborator Sandler, who co-wrote the screenplay." courtesy of netflix
I laughed throughout this movie, but it was nothing amazing or brillant, its a very common Adam Sandler movie, I thought. You enjoy watching it but then its kinda lame and cheap. Its also one of those movies they oversell in the previews by basically showing you all the funny parts in the preview and thats about it. I wouldn't actively watch it again by choice, but if it was on cable and I was flipping through channels I'd probably watch it. I'm actually not a big Adam Sandler fan, I think his humour is kind of cheap and immature.
How Do You Know

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Alice in Wonderland

Our Family Wedding

Remember Me

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Last Song

anyways, its corny, its really horrible acting (apart from Greg Kinnear of course), its annoying in its juvenillity (is that a word?) its almost like they tried really hard to make Miley a "good" girl and it was kind of annoying and of course its always annoying when teenagers say "i love you" after a week, especially in movies, it tells the real teenagers thats its okay and it happens.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I Love You, Beth Cooper

The Blind Side


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I have to word this "review" properly. I will start off by saying I did enjoy the movie and really liked it. However, I was disappointed. The movie was originally written for Tom Cruise and he turned it down because he said it was too similar to his Mission Impossible character -- while watching the movie I felt like I was watching Mission Impossible. I thought I was gonna be really excited about this bad ass girl kicking ass, but I was that impressed or shocked. Its not the first time they've done a movie with a bad ass girl and I thought her role in 'Wanted' was way more bad-ass than this one.
I thought the biggest problem was actually the directing/camera angles. So many times I found myself thinking "that could have been a really amazing shot" she did some amazing kick or something but the camera angle didnt really capture it that well
its definitley not predictable, its shocking, its interesting, its intriguing...when you think your bored or that you have it figured out. you don't. I remember sitting there like "well yeah, this movie thinks its soo clever, I know exactly what happened and whats gonna happen.." and then you don't. haha. definitley worth seeing!
A Single Man

The Bounty Hunter

Public Enemies

The Box

Friday, July 16, 2010
Sex and the City 2
Its overly "relateable" charlotte is stressed from being a mother worried about having a hot nannie, the lawyer miranda is being treated unfair at work and of course as usually carrie has relationship problems while samantha just fucks everything. they go to abu dhabi, which could be really cool but there are alot of scenes where they try to play powerful music and use camera pans to try and tell you "this is an amazing view/building your looking at" but it actually wasnt, it was dull and it wouldnt have been annoying if they didnt try and act like it was grander than it was. the cinematography is really cheap and the storyline is really dull and i loved the whole series and the first movie but this was just, it was childish, they are all married with families (besides miranda) and the show didnt progress from when the series first started. the girls dress the same, except their older, and they look older.
i thought it was also a cheap and sleezy explote on the middle east and their customs, they make fun of their culture and they disrespect their culture, (especially samantha) and although it is funny and you do laugh occasionally theres a very cheap and guilty aspect to it.
i didnt think they needed a second movie, alot of people after seeing this movie claimed it was "to wrap up" to create closure, but i dont think they needed that after the first movie. charlotte had a baby, carrie and big got married, miranda and steve got back together and samantha got back to being samantha, that was closure. they didnt need to move on, they should know most movies dont do a succesful second, especially not a movie that was originally a succesful tv show.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Nothing Like the Holidays

She's out of my league