I think it was no surprise that this was a movie everyone wanted to see. Its a long movie, obviously with so many big name actors there is a lot going on, some of it is hard to keep up with mainly because so many of the actors look so similar. (jennifer garner, anne hathway, jessica biel. bradley cooper and mr. mcsteamy) i think its easily relateable and although its a long movie and can start feeling like a droan, do watch it till the end because it not as predictable as you would think. its definitley worth watching just because its such a big deal with so many big actors. (thers so many more that arent even listed the opening credit titles, of all big names, are over 20 actors.
Another in-flight time killer. Pleasant enough (Aston was positively endearing!) I enjoyed it. My favorite part was the whole Julia Roberts/Bradley Cooper thread...and I cannot wait until Eat Pray Love comes out next month. I do love Julia.