Friday, July 16, 2010
Sex and the City 2
Its overly "relateable" charlotte is stressed from being a mother worried about having a hot nannie, the lawyer miranda is being treated unfair at work and of course as usually carrie has relationship problems while samantha just fucks everything. they go to abu dhabi, which could be really cool but there are alot of scenes where they try to play powerful music and use camera pans to try and tell you "this is an amazing view/building your looking at" but it actually wasnt, it was dull and it wouldnt have been annoying if they didnt try and act like it was grander than it was. the cinematography is really cheap and the storyline is really dull and i loved the whole series and the first movie but this was just, it was childish, they are all married with families (besides miranda) and the show didnt progress from when the series first started. the girls dress the same, except their older, and they look older.
i thought it was also a cheap and sleezy explote on the middle east and their customs, they make fun of their culture and they disrespect their culture, (especially samantha) and although it is funny and you do laugh occasionally theres a very cheap and guilty aspect to it.
i didnt think they needed a second movie, alot of people after seeing this movie claimed it was "to wrap up" to create closure, but i dont think they needed that after the first movie. charlotte had a baby, carrie and big got married, miranda and steve got back together and samantha got back to being samantha, that was closure. they didnt need to move on, they should know most movies dont do a succesful second, especially not a movie that was originally a succesful tv show.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Nothing Like the Holidays

She's out of my league

Valentines Day

I think it was no surprise that this was a movie everyone wanted to see. Its a long movie, obviously with so many big name actors there is a lot going on, some of it is hard to keep up with mainly because so many of the actors look so similar. (jennifer garner, anne hathway, jessica biel. bradley cooper and mr. mcsteamy) i think its easily relateable and although its a long movie and can start feeling like a droan, do watch it till the end because it not as predictable as you would think. its definitley worth watching just because its such a big deal with so many big actors. (thers so many more that arent even listed the opening credit titles, of all big names, are over 20 actors.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Swing Vote

Extraordinary Measures

17 again



OMG! I LOVED THIS MOVIE! I never watched it because the poster she kind of looks creepy and I thought it was a scary movie and it was my hair stylist who told me about it and said its a great story.
it is a french movie so obviously the whole thing is subtitled which was a little shock at first but french is such a beautiful language I like hearing them speak it.
Its a great story, you're totally affected by the characters and they are so endearing the way the movie is shot, is brillant and fun and I dont think I've ever been so enamored with a movie and what was going to happen. its totally original, its totally unique its in NO way predictable
and hey, the travelocity commercials where the gnome is sending pictures from its "travels" is from this movie. haha.
When in Rome

Something New

"Having carefully calculated her professional life, African-American accounting exec Kenya McQueen (Sanaa Lathan) is concerned that her personal life doesn't measure up, so she agrees to go on a blind date with a sexy, free-spirited landscape architect (Simon Baker). Her new love interest turns out to be white, which isn't necessarily a deal-breaker -- until she meets a seemingly perfect black man (Blair Underwood)."
I really only rented this movie because i'm a fan of sanaa lathan and simon baker. The movie isnt bad, but its definitley catered to a black audience. A lot of the movie is situations where Simon Bakers character should be really uncomfortable and just watching it, as a white person, it makes me uncomfortable. I think its a great look into interracial relationships and how it is harder to be in that kind of relationship. there was a line when Simon Baker said "I'm not black. I'm never gonna be black" and it was such a great line because if thats the biggest problem in the relationship, its not something that can be fixed.
If you've ever dated someone outside your race I think you'll sympthazie with it a bit but it is a "black" movie which can be awkward for non-black viewers. especially when they talk about things like the "black tax" where black people have to work twice as hard to get through in a "white world"
I dont deny this "situations" completely but I dont like that they are "accepted" and honestly, although I am white and I may not know completely Washington is really pretty accepting of all races. its not the south, and i would think that most people are not racist here. everytime i say that a non-caucasian person they tell me its not something i would know and i'm not allowed to say that. so who knows. haha.