Sunday, December 27, 2009
Rachel Getting Married

The International

Friday, October 30, 2009
The Aviator

Saturday, October 17, 2009
An Inconvienent Truth

"A documentary on Al Gore's campaign to make the issue of global warming a recognized problem worldwide" courtesy of Imdb.com
for some reason I had never seen this movie, I think it was one I always thought I had seen because it's a movie I would have seen but finally in my sustainable design class we watched this and if you havent watched it. watch it.
it's amazing, I am very aware and "into" the problems that we are creating i'm very green-concious and I know everything that was happening. I know about the ice caps melting, i know about the polar bears dying, i know about the increase in natural disasters etc. etc. but what i wasnt comprehending was what that meant. I knew A + B but i didnt know what it equaled. and the footage that Gore shows is so honest and so real.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Bride Wars

The Soloist

"A Los Angeles journalist befriends a homeless Julliard-trained musician, while looking for a new article for the paper" courtesy of imdb.com
This movie was really good. I wanted to see it for the longest time and I finally just ordered it on ondemand last night, The acting of Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr is amazing. Jamie Foxx does great with a playing a schizophrenic homeless man and even the way he looks is taken on into a whole nother' world. They really portray it so well what he's truly going through. we (especially city people like me) encounter with schizophrenic and homeless almost daily, and although I have gained some sympathy after I took a psychology class in college -- you really feel understanding and sympathetic for him, almost empathetic. He was this brilliantly talented musician and voices in his head beat him down, which is actually just terrifying for him. But the movie is great it has this powerful connection with music where some of the seasons are literally just music. But it connects with the homeless community as well. there are bad homeless people out there - thugs and drug addicts but then there are some that have just been beat down on life and there is a scene where Steve Lopez (Downey) is talking with a homeless lady and shes telling these stories and they're hilarious and he's just laughing and it just kind of makes you stop and think, its a very inspirational movie especially when you stop and think about how it's a true story
the one thing i will have to say, is that it's quite obvious that certain things are left out of the movie. Steve Lopez obviously did a lot for this - apparently this was a series of columns that he wrote, it touched people, but that doesnt always really come across in the movie (that its a series of columns) Lopez also apparently got a lot of recognition for what he was doing for Nathaniel and they kind of throw it in there last minute where you're like "what?" I have a feeling that Lopez and Ayers would feel at odds about this movie, i feel like it's not told to its true entirety.
but definitely worth seeing.
Friday, October 2, 2009
top ten worst movies ever
1. Red Dawn
2. Cheaper by the Dozen 2
3. Joshua
4. Kings Ransom
5. Son of the Mask
6. Scary Movie (all)
7. Confessions of A teenage drama queen
8. Corky Romano
9. Austin Powers - Goldmember
10. Hedgwick and the angry itch
this is hard to say because a lot of movies that would be deemed the worst - you can sometimes tell and i don't watch them - these are solely based on movies i have actually seen.
Top-Ten all time favortie movies ever.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Ghost Town


I Love You Man

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Battle in Seattle

I LOVED this movie it was SO brillant, a lot of it seems like it was overdramatized but when i started researching it wasnt, although the incident with Charlize Theron I'm sure didn't happen or at least didn't happen by a cop in such a way (I don't want to spoil it for anyone) but its very cool because its actually shot in Seattle, I totally recogonize it all and they also use real footage. it was very cool to see, especially if you're from Seattle and even if you're not.
WTO riots in seattle actually caused 30 riots/ralleys across the nation and is the reason they "won" the "fight" it's an excellent movie. the WTO riots were actually the reason our former Mayor resigned and how Greg Nickels (who JUST lost) got the position. This is huge on Seatte/Nation history.
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Confessions of a Shopaholic

"With dreams of writing for a top fashion glossy, shopping addict Rebecca (Isla Fisher) begins working for a financial magazine pushed by the same publisher. But as her career skyrockets, she struggles to pay off overwhelming bills -- and manage her love life. Joan Cusack, John Goodman and Krysten Ritter co-star in this glittery rom-com based on the best-selling series of Shopaholic books by Sophie Kinsella" courtesy of netflix
I heard A LOT of praise for this movie from my friends and my sister but I didnt absolutely love it, it was just whatever to me. I mean it was very obvious, she spends too much money, she knows its wrong, she does it anyways because she needs the new gucci handbag, i think its a movie thats good for people who can relate 100% but i'm not really a shopaholic i won't shop when i don't have money i just eat out too often and by small little things. I dont buy designer brands because I don't have the money and I know I don't have the money. but, her boss is really cute. lol.
Yes Man

I know some people out there dont really like Jim Carrey, My Nannie being one, she gets really passionate about her hatred for him, which is funny considering how little my nannie is and how proper she is. anyways, this movie is great!! its not a normal Jim Carrey movie where he gets all crazy goofy there is one part for like 2 seconds when he drank a lot of red bull but it doesnt last long lol but Zooey Deschanel is a GREAT co-star, she so spunky i love her. but the concept of the movie is so great, just say yes to everything and you will enhance your life because you will be living your life. you can't live your life sitting at home all night watching movies. watch it. everyone.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The Ugly Truth

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Role Models

I couldn't stand this movie I actually took it out and didn't finish it. it was so predictable and lame and boring. two mean slacker guys get paired up with bratty shitty kids and in the end they become good friends. blah blah blah. i was so upset because I really like Paul Rudd and there will small parts in the movie that really shined "paul rudd" but the majorty was just boring or just too scripted. like the director of "sturdy wings" you will recognize her from '40 year old virgin' and she plays the exact same charcter in the same style - a former druggie sex addict and she says little stupid things "me and the judge are really close, im not gonna get into it but i sucked his dick for drugs" and the dialogue just isnt realistic and its so stereotypical to have this really ghetto gangster kid and then the really nerdy dungeons and dragons kid which actually just gets boring watching the "battle" because its not for comedy you end up just actually watching it.
ALTHOUGH i did love the scene where Paul Rudd tears into this Barista
"I'd like a large coffee"
"do you meam venti?"
"no i mean large"
"venti is large"
"No, venti is twenty. Large is large. In fact, tall is large and grande is Spanish for large. Venti is the only one that doesn't mean large. It's also the only one that's Italian. Congratulations, you're stupid in three languages."
hahaha -- then like 2 seconds later his girlfriend yells at him and says "its called venti because its 20 oz dipshit" haha
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Women

I didn't actually rent this Netflix sent it to me by accident but I thought i'd watch it anyways - but it was alright it was slow and you were just waiting for the big climax and it never really came. and the thing that always drove me crazy is that they never showed the husband, not even his hand or voice, he was just this "thing" they talked about and plotted around and against. It was a typical Meg Ryan movie - although she does look really cute with curly hair. Jada plays a lesbian and Debra Messing plays this raggedy-always-prego woman.
I Could Never be Your Woman

this was really cute and fun to watch - it's a total comedy and I love how they spoof on TV shows and etc. and Michelle Pfeiffer is really cute in it! her and Paul Rudd go well together. its good acting, its enjoyable. Its a great play on whether age really does mean anything when it comes to dating - or if it means everything.
New in Town

it was alright, it was cute. it was VERY predictable - you can almost predict the whole movie just by reading the summary. Renee zellweger doesnt look all that cute in it - she looks older or something. I don't know I wouldnt want to watch it again, but it was enjoyable. the acting is good and her shoes are fabulous.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

I saw this movie ages ago, and I just recently bought it. and it just felt so worthy of Blogging that I decided to do it even though it's old - its fairly new I know some of you still havent seen it.
this is such a brillant movie. from the original concept of the plot, to the acting, to the makeup and wardrobe. its just amazing
its a very long movie to go through an entire life tide into the story of the woman in the hospital bed telling the story to her daughter. i LOVED that they tied in New Orleans in such a specific way and I'm sure that was Brad Pitt's doing - also i'm sure they shot everything in Louisiana to help try and rebuild it.
its a beautiful love story mixed in with this thought provoking idea about life and death and growing old and growing young and responsibility and to live carefree, i think your life grows by seeing this movie.
Sunday, May 17, 2009

this movie was BEYOND amazing, but do I really need to say that? Ron Howard directing a movie of the closest Nixon ever got to a confession or a trial? the movie itself is passionate, powerful, intriguing, interesting, the only parts that get a little dull are when they have scenes of Nixon (outside of the "Frost situation") rambling on about something stupid. (the man aparently loved to talk!) but geez i mean the little one liners that stick with you. there was a line when Frost first met Nixon, and he brought a new girlfriend along and as they were leaving Nixon leaned into Frost and said "you gotta marry that girl." forst replied "yeah shes something isnt she?" (or something along those lines) and Nixon said "yeah, and shes from Monaco, they don't pay taxes there" all these little tiny things that just help you realize this man. but the whole cast is stellar, down to Kevin Bacon in frankly, his small role. but Sam Rockwell, geez he was the epitome of every democrat at that time. the movie just makes you want to read for hours and hours about Nixon and what bullshit he could come up with.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Griffin and Phoenix

I laugh at the thought that I actually really liked this movie, its kind of "lifetime" and they have some corny lines, but Amanda Peet and Dermot Mulroney do their best and pull it off quite well. i loved the one line in the beginning of the movie when Griffin finds out he has cancer and there is nothing they can do and he says "so you can't save my life? ....can you validate my parking?" theres a few great lines in the movie, Phoenix asks Griffin a question and he just had some generic response and she says "well not every answer can be interesting i guess..." its really a pretty decent movie, its sad, you'll cry and you'll be touched. I would recommend it.
Sunday, April 19, 2009

I really liked this movie, it was pretty funny and Justin Long really is an amazing actor I'm really glad to see his career blossiming, the concept of the movie is hilarious, I dont know if this spoils anything but I think its pretty obvious that the secret doesnt last about the college, and when the truth is revealed I thought it wasnt made as big of deal as it really was, it was very just "oh ok thats bad...the end" but Blake Lively is just so cute in it and Justin Long, even in a goofy comedy he is just such a good actor, his passion shows through well.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Nights in Rodanthe

I was really upset with this movie, the story concept itself is actually kind of horrible, when you see it or if have already seen it, you will see what i mean but i dont want to spoil anything. the movie just seems so "lifetime" to me (as in lifetime movie channel of really corny love movies) the acting really isnt that great and any scenes with the teenage daughter are just horrible. James Franco's part is way to small for his acting abilities and well it just seems to be directed very oddly, there are random seems where everything gets jumbled and fast paced like they do in action or horror movies and it just doesnt fit just right. the story is just so odd, the movie does take you in and you'll feel the emotion but its nothing spectacular.
Sunday, April 12, 2009

this movie sounded so good in the description and even the poster looked intriguing but the movie was, odd. this whole "conman" thing is barely touched on in the movie, he talks about how he gets money from the people who save him but they never show it, cause i dont understand why when you save someones life, if that person asked you for money, why you would give them money. it was just very odd, i wouldnt recommend it. it wasnt even that odd in a funny way, theyre were definitiley interesting scenes and concepts but they never "took it home"

i wasnt as captivated by this movie as i thought i would be, or as i wanted to be. the first time i fell asleep, the second time i tried to watch it i just lost track of what was going on and the third time i did finish it, its a good story, it was directed very well but i just expected more out of it i geuss, i would still recommend it but i think the expectations are just too high for it. but sean penn and james franco do a great job and i would never believe they were straight :)
He's Just Not That Into You

i loved this movie! i did read the book, years ago and anytime i start to see a new guy, i do whip it out and check up on some things. but the way the movie is setup, i know they got critcized from being so different from the book, but the book isnt a novel, the book would be like a talk show so i thought it was perfect to have all these random different scenarios going on that connect in small ways, but it just helps you realize all the stupid things we buy into all the time! all the things we make excuses for, i think everyone should read it, even if youre married already even if it doesnt help you i'm sure you could help someone else down the way.
Monday, February 23, 2009

i loveeeeeeeed this movie. for me it was very educational, i was someone who was raised catholic, my whole family is catholic i have an Uncle in England who is a priest but for me it was something I never connected with and the past year especially i've been discovering and trying to find and understand religion and what my own personal belief is and my answer was always "i dont know" and thats what Bill Maher's answer is in this movie, and everyone he talks to and everything he says i'm just kicking myself i didnt say what he said when i've been in the same religious debates.
if you are someone who is truly religious and you have your faith packed down and won't take any another word, maybe its the movie for you, Maher doesnt go around saying your religion is wrong, he's just asking how do you know its right? and there are so many things that can contradict each other, that you should at least have a more open opinion on religion.
I ask my family that doesnt understand how i feel to watch this movie and i ask anyone who doesnt currently accept other religions to watch this movie, i think its very educated and i think its very thought provoking and i think Maher makes alot of really great intelligent points.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Breaking and Entering

This movie is very slow, its kind of depressing and although I feel like I did maybe like it, I didn't really. I think i'm the kind of person who can always take something away from a movie so its hard for me to say I dont like one, buttt i wouldn't watch it again and I wouldn't recommned it to someone. alot of the movie doesnt make sense, well it makes sense but there are alot of loss ends and random little things going on and important details they don't elaborate on, like Jude Law's daughter and the relationship with...well i guess its his girlfriend. the whole movie you have this idea it's his wife but its not (that plays no important factor, i didnt ruin anything for you.) but it was just werid little factoids.
but of course, Jude Law plays his typical self in the movie, if you know what I mean. he is beautiful though. :)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
My Best Friend's Girl

I really liked this movie, it was really good, the basic plot itself is a little predictable but thats just the nature of the movie, i wouldnt call it a predictable movie because alot of stuff happens that you still wouldnt have guessed. I think Dane Cook is great in it, and they have soo many great shots of him, theres this one shot i love of him walking down the isle at this church smoking a ciggerette to a Johnny Cash song, and its just totally badass, and in my opinion not in a bad way (sometimes a movie tries to pull off badass and it doesnt work, but in this case it does!) you'll be entertained, you'll laugh, you'll be engaged.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Vicky Cristina Barcelona

i really liked this movie, the preview is a lot different than what the movie turns out to be, its comically narrated with things like "they got ice cream, they laughed." but the story is good and your intrigued the whole time the acting is really well, i recommend seeing it. I always like Woody Allen films and i really like Scarlett Johansson but i feel that you could like this even if you didn't like them. its very comically erotic.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The Factory Girl

it's been a long time since i've been so affected by a movie. I rented the movie because i have an unusual interest in Andy Warhol, this movie isn't about Andy Warhol its about the factory girl and her story and I've never felt so, sad for someone, to feel not the sympathy but the actual emotions, the movie is done brillantly everything is conveyed in such emotions and the actors are phonomenol Sienna Miller is amazing and Guy Pearce is brillantly amazing with Andy Warhol. the story itself is strong and it just just gets multiplied in quality by the actors.
this movie didnt get great reviews and i think the reason is because of how honest it is, they dont censor things to cater to a MPAA rating, they dont careful word things so that it doesnt offend people, the drug use is right in front of your face, theres random people having sex in the background for no reason at all expect for the fact that, thats how it was at the factory, everything is very honest i believe, it doesnt feel like they cut things out or made you loose out on something. disregard any of those reviews because they are oh so wrong, this movie is spectacular. in all possible ways.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Gran Torino

I went to see this movie with my Dad and his only reason for wanting to see it was Clint Eastwood "Clint Eastwood doesn't do bad movies" even on the way driving to the movie we both realized we had no idea what the movie was about. i was a little hesitant i thought it might be to old school western style but it was brilliantly amazing. it all feels very real and is very intriguing and interesting. I do have to say that i thought the two main Asian actors (the brother and sister) weren't very good actors but it doesn't hurt the movie at all, the storyline is amazing and Walt is the perfect character; he is basically Greg House (from the TV show House) he is racist, rude and doesn't care what he says. its amazing and you will love it.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day

I enjoyed this movie, it was entertaining and the acting was quite good. I did feel like something was missing, it seemed like maybe it was too short (but it was an hour and a half) but because the plot of the story is essentially Miss Pettigrew's day with Delysia (Amy Adams) it just seems a little unfufilled. and i dont think they quite captured some of the behavior that needed to be setup; Amy Adams is an actress and has many male friends and although you realize and its conveyed that Miss Pettigrew is appalled by this I think it needed to be a stronger connection and I think they needed more information about Miss Pettigrew before she met Delysia. and the ending was quite, abrupt? it had an ending but it just didnt seem over i guess; it was a weak ending in a way.