Javier Bardem stars in the latest effort from legendary filmmaker Woody Allen as a flamboyant painter who finds himself in the middle of a unique relationship with Vicky (Rebecca Hall) and Christina (Scarlett Johansson), a pair of American tourists. Penélope Cruz (with an Oscar nod) also stars as Bardem's insanely jealous ex-wife, Maria Elena, in this quirky romantic dramedy (winner of a Best Comedy Golden Globe) set in Barcelona.courtesy of netflix.
i really liked this movie, the preview is a lot different than what the movie turns out to be, its comically narrated with things like "they got ice cream, they laughed." but the story is good and your intrigued the whole time the acting is really well, i recommend seeing it. I always like Woody Allen films and i really like Scarlett Johansson but i feel that you could like this even if you didn't like them. its very comically erotic.
i really liked this movie, the preview is a lot different than what the movie turns out to be, its comically narrated with things like "they got ice cream, they laughed." but the story is good and your intrigued the whole time the acting is really well, i recommend seeing it. I always like Woody Allen films and i really like Scarlett Johansson but i feel that you could like this even if you didn't like them. its very comically erotic.
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