"Longstanding family conflicts resurface when drama queen Kym (Anne Hathaway, in her first Oscar-nominated role), a former model who's been in and out of rehab for 10 years, returns to her parents' home just before her sister Rachel's (Rosemarie DeWitt) wedding. Debra Winger co-stars as the girls' emotionally distant mother in director Jonathan Demme's critically acclaimed portrait of family angst and unrest." courtesy of netflix
I heard this movie was great but I could tell it was something I had to be in a mood in to watch so I had always put it off and I watched it today, mid-way through I did feel a little ADD and wanted to turn it off and return to it later but my mom wanted to keep watching so we did. its a very sad movie, not in an emotional way. I'm not sure if it actually is a Sundance movie but it is shot that way, which I love and hate at the same time, Sundance movies (and this movie) tend to leave it up to you to piece certain things together. but Anne Hathaway did do a great job regardless. I wouldn't watch it twice, but would you ever watch 'Schindlers List' twice?